Thursday, June 7, 2007


I saw it
I heard it
I felt it
A cold sweat
Clenching of my teeth

The gun
The bullet
The bang
My spine shivers
My heart breaks

The pain
The wound
The blood
A tear rolls down my cheek
It’s over.

To The Fullest

Look at this kid
Sitting all alone
What is he doing
Who cares
He's a nobody
Now we are...are
Somebodies we...we
define this country and...and we create the essence of this land
it is our land ...our land
but how can you define, create, or own a area of land
how were we created
who cares
we’re here now
right now
we will perish one day
we will die
hopefully you can say that your life was worth living
but you will always question
did I live it to the fullest
well I am here to tell you
it is up to you
all what you do and decide is up to you
no one else
just you
and your heart
if your heart can guide your thoughts then... just then
will you live
and truly live
your life
and no one else’s life
to the fullest
learn to live from your heart and you will be amazing
you will be the essence of what is real here on this earth.
Wow, is that too much to take in
no... you can do it
and don't question it
just experience it
and you will and can live to the fullest
of yours and others abilities
you will and can die
but don't worry
you'll be okay
just as long as you live to the fullest
of your abilities.

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